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The installation,usage direction and maintenance of the knife gate valve

Author£ºniasi Date£º2012/9/18 11:42:38 Source:en.dgniasi.cn

The installation,usage direction and maintenance of the knife gate valve

1. before the installation of  knife type gate valve,you must check the valve cavity and sealing surface and other parts, there is no dirt or sand adhesion;
2. Each bolt connection parts, require uniformly  tightness;
3. Check the packing pressure parts requirements, both to ensure that the packing sealing, also to ensure that the gate is open and flexible;
4. Users must check the valve model,connection size and the medium flow direction before installing the valve, making sure the consistency with the valve requirements;
5. when installing the valve, users must set a valve aside of necessary space;
6. The driving device connection must be followed according to the circuit diagram;
7. Knife gate valve must be regularly maintained, it can not be arbitrarily collided and extruded in order to avoid affect the sealing.

The maintenance of the knife gate valve:

 hand wheel, lever and transmission mechanism are not allowed for lifting, and it is forbidden to collision.
2, double disc gate valves should be installed vertically (that is, the valve stem in a vertical position, the handwheel is at the top).
3, with a bypass valve should be taken before the gate valve in open open the bypass valve (import and export by balance of pressure difference and reduce the opening force).
4, belt transmission mechanism of the gate, according to the regulations of the product instruction manual installation.
5, if the valve switch is used, often the lubrication is done at least once a month.