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Installation of the single sprocket wheel-moving knife gate valve

Author£ºniasi Date£º2012/10/24 11:03:44 Source:en.dgniasi.cn

Installation of the single sprocket wheel-moving knife gate valve

1. Before the installation,you must check the valve cavity and sealing surface and other parts.Make sure there is  no dirt or sand clinging to the body;

2. For each bolt connection parts, it should be uniformly  tight up;

3. Check the packing pressure parts requirements, both to ensure that the packing sealing, also to ensure that the gate is open and flexible;

4. Users must check the valve before installing, connected to the flow direction of medium size and note, ensure the consistency with the valve requirements;

5. The user must be set aside driven necessary space when installing the valve;

6. Drive device connection must be followed by the circuit diagram;

7. The blade type gate valve must be regularly maintained.They shall not be arbitrarily collided and extrude in case affecting the sealing.