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The characteristics of the anti-jammied type rotary valve

Author£ºniasi Date£º2012-11-28 8:59:45 Source:en.dgniasi.cn

The characteristics of the anti-jammed type rotary valve

1. Suitable for 2 kg/cm2 or less system pressure or differential pressure.
2. Set the vent (positive pressure conveying) at the beginning of the impeller rotating out of the high pressure gas through the vent to the exhaust system, improve the filling efficiency.
3. The blanking entrance design, even upstream is full of material, it is also safe to start.
4. Bearing external type installation, durable and excellent performance.
5. Providing a variety of installation like chain drive and direct drive.
6. According to the demand to configure the mechanical and electrical machine.
7.The materials basically are: cast steel, and stainless steel series, etc.