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The solution of injection molding machine after water-logged

Author£ºniasi Date£º2014-3-21 8:54:21 Source:en.dgniasi.cn

Generally the injection molding machine after being flooded may lead to different levels of water inlet of the electric inside of the electrical control box, hydraulic system, lubrication system and so on. in this case, we can analysis from the following sections:

 Electric control part
After the electric part flooded with water, it will cause different electrical parts  producing rust corrosion and  decreasing its insulation performance Generally, the following steps should be followed£º
    1¡¢Cut off all the power supp¡£
    2¡¢Within the shortest time after the water inlet, take off  the I/O computer host plate under the battery from above (suggest the customer  to do it timely)
Because under the I/O board without removing the battery condition, individual components are still in the power-on state, this will speed up the components' rust and corrosion, which will increase the difficulty of the component maintenance and maintenance cost.
   3. Using clean water to clean the electrical components in the whole electric box.If it is necessary, decompose the components and clean them, including I/O board, 24 v power supply, 5 v power supply, transformer, AC contactor, air switch, axial blower, etc.
 4, Dry.All components are fully dried using the field drying machine, all components after decomposing and cleaning should be put into stratification into the drying hopper. The drying temperature 70 ~ 80 ¡æ, drying time for 8 ~ 10 hours to test the insulation resistance is in line with the requirements. (Generally using the measure of  200 k) and to determine whether the drying is completely.
 5, Power-on separate inspection  of the electrical parts after complete drying (service personnel operations), It cannot be use unless after fully inspecting and  be in good condition.
The hydraulic part
1, The motor oil pump could not be opened, because  after opening the motor,the moisture of  the hydraulic oil may enter into the the hydraulic piping system, which will lead to metal hydraulic components corrosion.
 2, Check whether the hydraulic oil mixes with water. Open the rack plug at the bottom of the tank, emit a small amount of oil, soak a little with pieces of paper. If you can not light it up or there has a crack sound in the process of burning explosive, then it means there is moisture in the hydraulic oil and needs to replace all the hydraulic oil. (also can use anhydrous copper sulfate test to see whether it will  become blue. If so ,it means it has moisture content).

3, if the oil contains water, then you need to replace the hydraulic oil tank. Wipe the tank with a clean cloth  before oil change.
Other parts 
 1¡¢Electric motor

Separate the motor stator and rotor. The stator winds for dry processing (you can use a professional repair motor to process or use 100 w bulb into electrical cabinet drying for about 8 hours).You must ensure that the insulation resistance ¡Ý 0.4 M ¦¸, motor bearing should be torn down to check whether it works after rinsing with gasoline, or replace the bearing with the same specification. 


2¡¢The lubrication pump


After seperating the motor, stator and rotor pump bravery of the lubrication pump, use the drying hopper to dry them. The insulation resistance must be ensured to be¡Ý 0.4M¦¸ .If the pump bravery gets rust and stuck, you can use mold rust remover spraying into the pump  bravery to derust until the the gear inside of the bravery rotates flexibly.


After the completion of each step processing, restore the assembled parts and test-run it with power on.

Dongguan NIASI plastics machinery Co., Ltd. Main products: the central feeding system, dehumidifying dryer, pneumatic conveying system, mold temperature machine, water chiller machine, gtanulator, the centralized feeding system parts and other plastics auxiliary machinery, welcome your purchase. http://www.dgniasi.cn/
